Joseph Kalu

10 Lessons 99 Percent Of People Learn A Bit Too Late In Life, According To Psychology


Isn’t life full of surprises? Sometimes we come across lessons that make us wonder, “Why didn’t I know this earlier?”

But what if we could get a head start on some of these life lessons before they become painfully obvious?

That is exactly what I am doing today! We’ve compiled a list of 10 lessons 99 percent of people learn a bit too late in life, according to psychology

Let’s look at these ten lessons that could save you some trouble in the future.

1. Love yourself!

AaronAmat, iStock

There is no replacement for loving oneself. This does not imply that you approve of everything you do or that you are perfect.

However, it means that you are fundamentally validating yourself and affirming your worth in this universe.

Instead of waiting for others to tell you that you’re good enough, you affirm it to yourself deeply and totally.

According to psychotherapist Sharon Martin, DSW, LCSW, self-love involves unconditional acceptance, kindness, and valuing one’s health.

2. Happiness is a choice and not a result.

Lazare, Pixabay

Isn’t it tempting to imagine, “I’ll be happy when I get that promotion,” or “I’ll be satisfied when I buy that new car”?

We frequently associate our satisfaction with an outcome or material possession. But here’s the reality: happiness isn’t an outcome. It is a decision.

Sure, attaining goals and getting new items might offer us a momentary rush of happiness.

But what about actual, long-term happiness? That comes from within. It comes from choosing to be joyful, no matter what is going on around you.

3. Stay true to yourself.

fscredy2018, Pixabay

Life provides countless opportunities to lie about who you are and what you value.

It could be a profession, a relationship, a group of friends, or simply society’s appreciation and collective reinforcement that you’re a “good person.”

Whatever you’re presented with is worthless if it’s based on a falsehood.

No matter how far you advance in life or how many rewards you obtain, it is all meaningless if you are not true to yourself and what makes your heart race.

There will be times when you must do a job you dislike or deal with difficult situations with someone you care about; but, the important thing is that you are still living a life that means something to you. If not, there’s an issue.

Whether it’s love, career, or life choices, if they don’t reflect your true self, they’re not worth anything.

4. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff.

Have you ever spent an entire day fretting over something minor? Perhaps it was a minor disagreement with a friend or a mistake at work.

It’s easy to get caught up in the little things. But, guess what? They rarely matter in the grand scheme of things.

Life is full of ups and downs, and allowing each little bump in the road to impact us can make the journey much more difficult.

Instead, attempt to consider the big picture. Learn to let go of things that, in the end, have no significant impact on your life.

Not every problem is worth your time and attention. So don’t worry about the tiny issues. Save your energy for what’s genuinely important.

5. Increase your EQ

useche360, Pixabay

Life is too brief to suppress your emotions and wind up tangled in a pretzel because you are confused and frustrated by them.

Building emotional intelligence (EQ) is an important life skill that is unfortunately often learned through suffering, breakups, numerous misunderstandings and broken relationships.

Getting in touch with your emotions and becoming more conscious of how others feel is a life lesson that cannot be taught too early.

Having a higher EQ will benefit you in all aspect of life.

“Emotional intelligence is a valuable set of talents that can improve your quality of life. And good news! “These skills can be developed even as adults,” says psychology writer Tchiki Davis, PhD.

6. Understand the limitations of control.

Marinela Malcheva, Pixabay

Life teaches us that we only have control over ourselves. For many people, this is a lesson learned too late or not at all.

The reason for this is that accepting that you have no influence over other people’s actions, thoughts, or feelings is uncomfortable and difficult.

This is especially true when it means that someone you care about does not love you, or that your own parents do not love you as much as you would like.

However, this is beyond your control.

What is under your control? What you do with your emotions, ideas, and impulses to intentionally create a life that is significant to you.

7. Financial literacy

designer491, Pixabay

Understanding fundamental financial concepts such as budgeting, savings, investing, and debt management is critical.

Even if you are a non-materialistic person, our world is based on money and production.

Learning to handle money and have a positive attitude toward money can set you up for success in terms of having a cushion to pursue your other goals.

Many people grow up with a negative attitude toward money or take it for granted; both are mistakes.

Developing a healthy perspective toward money, understanding that it is not the objective of life but rather a valuable tool, is critical.

“Your money mindset has a profound impact on your financial decisions and, ultimately, your financial success and happiness,” the Benson Financial Group states.

“By understanding your money mindset and working to reshape it in a healthy and constructive way, you can take control of your finances and build a more secure and fulfilling financial future.”

8. Maintain your relationships.

geralt, Pixabay

In the rush and bustle of life, it’s easy to lose sight of the people who are most important to us.

We get so caught up in following our aspirations and checking off boxes that we frequently ignore our relationships.

Here’s a sincere reminder: don’t leave it too late to tell folks how much they mean to you.

Don’t wait till someone is gone to realize how important they were in your life.

Relationships are the foundation for a fulfilling life. They bring us joy, support, and a sense of community.

So, schedule time for your loved ones. Express your gratitude. Nurture your relationships like they are priceless gems.

At the end of the day, what counts most is who we have in our lives.

9. Put yourself first.

silviarita, Pixabay

Self-care is really important if you want to live a good life.

Even the most beautiful, intelligent, or well-loved person cannot rely on others to care for and prioritize them.

We have to do it for ourselves.

It can be difficult to prioritize your own needs. But it’s necessary.

If you don’t prioritize yourself on sometimes, who will?

At the end of the day, you must face the consequences of your decisions and priorities. As a result, it’s critical to ensure that you value and care for yourself in every way.

10. Memento mori

None of us will be here forever. When we consider that we are mortal and will one day be gone (at least in physical form), it feels like a cold shower in the morning.

It clarifies everything and reminds us of what is truly important and what we hope to accomplish in this life.

It jumpstarts our entire value system and priorities, allowing us to truly focus our energies on what we want and care about.

“Memento mori prompts us to reflect on our priorities and values,” says psychologist and author Jodi Wellman, MAPP.

“When confronted with the prospect of mortality, many of our minor interests and hobbies suddenly lose their importance. We are pushed to address important issues such, ‘What genuinely matters in my life?'”

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