
Esther Okoli

Web Content Writing – 20 Smart Tips For Newbies

article writing, content, content creation, Content writing, Writing

Do you know that professionalism is less important in knowing or figuring out what great content looks like? Once you’ve found a satisfying answer on Google, you’ve experienced great web content writing.

Research from personal interviews has shown that; youths and young adults prefer to access information from their mobile phones. People prefer using the internet rather than scanning through a giant material in a bid to find answers. That, in turn, has made web content writing of remarkable importance.

What Is Web Content Writing?

This is the process of providing relevant content for websites. These contents include landing pages, blogs, e-books, videos, press releases, etc.

The ultimate marketing dictionary defines it as the writing process of creating content that inspires a business’s marketing strategy.

Generally speaking, web content writing involves writing informative and factual content.

Who Is A Website Content Writer?

A web content writer specializes in creating content you can publish on a website.

Types Of Web Content Writing

Most people believe that web writing differs from the style they used or used in school, but that is false. In other words, anyone can be a writer as long as they have passed through formal education.

“An article published by CW team on September 30, 2013, clearly stated the different types of web content writing.”

Below is the list:

  • Expository web writing
  • Persuasive web writing
  • Descriptive web writing
  • Narrative web writing.

Expository Web Content Writing

This is the writing style used when a writer wants to share their knowledge about a particular topic with a target audience. It, therefore, brings about exposure to an unknown subject because it provides a detailed explanation to the reader. An expository writing style is a great option when trying to portray a scenario on how to carry out a specific thing.

Have you ever been in a situation where you were confused about a thing and stormed the internet for answers? Almost everyone has been in this space before. Now, that is what expository writing style is all about.

Persuasive Web Content Writing

This type of web content writing tells the reader how good a particular product is. If you’ve visited a website and finally left with a conviction over a product, then you’ve gone through persuasive web writing.

Here, the writer intentionally paints a picture that brings about conviction to the reader. Choice of words becomes almost paramount for the product to sell.

Descriptive Web Content Writing

Every establishment has a specific audience. If an audience delights so much in reading detailed stories, this writing style is for them.

On April 5, 2012. Pew published an article that clearly stated that:

12% of people said they liked the entertainment value of reading, the drama of good stories, and the suspense of watching a good play unfold. Descriptive writing describes a subject or product, sometimes using storylines.

Narrative Web Content Writing

This type is similar to Descriptive web writing. The writer does not speak about another person’s place, character, or event. They are the character. In other words, the writer gives a narrative about himself.

Are you a beginner trying to learn the tips for becoming a good web content writer? We are here to help you navigate through that.

20 Web Content Writing Tips For Newbies

1. Reading


Movie producers watch a lot of movies to enhance their production skills. Musicians listen to lots and lots of music. In this space of web content writing, the place of reading cannot be overemphasized.

When reading, you must pay attention to the writer’s writing style, the length of sentences used, and the number of paragraphs.

2. Source For Inspiration

Since one big rule in this line of work is avoiding plagiarism, you’ll need a good source of information to flow. Going through other people’s websites isn’t a crime, so get at it already.

3. Avoid The Use Of Unauthorized Images

Do you know you can be sued for blindly using unauthorized images? Oh yes, you can! As a beginner, ensure that the images you portray in your work are authorized. Source for royalty-free images on sites like Pixabay, Unsplash, and Pexels.

4. Stay Away From Prolonged Paragraphs

Some new writers make the mistake of clustering lots of information in just one paragraph. Always split your write-up into fragments. That enables readers to overcome the boredom attached to reading long texts. In other words, use short paragraphs. Try to keep it as short as 2 to 3 sentences and an average of 50 words per paragraph.

5. Do Not Deviate From Your Target Audience

In every content you create, you must know your target audience. That, in so many ways, helps to make your content useful because it helps you write in a particular way.

6. Compose A Catchy Intro

When someone stumbles on a particular website, the first lines determine whether or not they will continue. Your intro should be attractive if you want more people to read your write-up. Give your readers a reason to care from the first sentence.

7. Avoid Sophisticated Words

Keep your words simple and easy to understand because people get bored trying to figure out heavy vocabulary. Please, by all means, avoid sophisticated words. Keep your words simple and straight to the point.

8. Upgrade Your Skill

It’s so exciting to reveal that many platforms offer to teach these skills for free. Learn from professionals and stand a chance to become a professional yourself. It would be best if you strived to be an expert in the field or niche you seek to cover in your writing. That will make you sound authoritative and keep your audience coming back for more.

9. Make Your Writing Valuable

Everyone loves to visit the places that add great value to them. Therefore, you need a whole lot of spice in your write-up. It could be a webinar link or you saying something they’ve probably not heard before.

10. Have A Web Writing Mentor


There is always a beginning to everything one indulges him or herself with. You definitely can’t know it all from the start. Your mentor guides you through this career journey while editing your work before publishing. Try the best you can never to self-edit. You can find a mentor with professionals or editors you are familiar with.

11. Create A Sub-Heading For Every Phase

This is not completely necessary, but it helps organize your work. Also, a sub-topic gives the reader an insight into what you are portraying even before they start reading. It helps break long texts and keeps you from boredom.

12. Avoid plagiarism

This is one of the most important tips every beginner should know. You can make research from other people’s websites. However, you must not copy their words. There are lots of negativities attached to plagiarism.

13. Figure Out Your Writing Goals

Keep your writing goals in mind whenever you are given an article to write. It goes a long way in helping you not to deviate from your target audience. Know your requirements. Part of knowing the writing requirements entails understanding search intents. Your web content writing becomes successful when it meets your audience’s needs.

14. Always Meet Deadlines

If you are writing for a client, endeavor to meet deadlines because it can determine if you’ll get another job in the future. Also, you can create a content publication schedule if you own a website and have to publish regularly. That will help your readers know what and when to expect content from you. So, by all means, always try to meet deadlines and keep to your schedule.

15. Avoid Assumptions And Commit To Research


A web content writer does lots of research. In fact, research should be one of your hubbies. You don’t just assume things in your head and put them down. Make sure your write-up has verifiable facts and figures.

Endeavor to have your keyword in mind. Remember, there is always a keyword in every website writing. Know your keyword and keep it in mind when composing your write-up.

16. Make Use Of A Conversational Tone

As a beginner, you should use relatable words. Do not sound abstract. Readers always want to read articles they can comfortably relate to without going through a rigorous imagination process. How you do your writing matters a lot because your audience can only stay put when your writing has the connection they are looking out for.

A conversational tone conveys messages easily, faster, and in the most simplified form. It creates a room for the writer to sound natural, and readers can’t but feel the connection, making them blend smoothly and without stress.

17. Be Conscious Of Your Sentences

Shorter sentences are better understood than long sentences. You have gone through many sentences in every article you read, including the one you are reading right now. Shorter sentences can be very much more striking than lengthy ones. Oh, yes, it is. You need always compress your sentences not to be as long as a paragraph. It is difficult to convey a complex message using a bogus sentence. Also, ensure your sentences are correct without grammatical errors.

18. Be Clear And Concise

When creating content for a website, wordy writing dilutes the impact of your message. A concise write-up grabs the reader’s attention and makes the reading memorable.

You also tend to sound more professional when you can avoid bogus jargon. Therefore, there is a need to put down write-ups that will be clear to the reader. Don’t rigmarole. Always try to go straight to your point.

19. Keep Your Ego In Check

Writing and ego kind of go hand in hand. Many beginners get lost in the aura of “I am now a writer .”That could cost you your focus; therefore, you must keep it in check. If you want to be a good writer, you have to listen more than talk. Everyone wants to hear positive feedback, but at the same time, not everyone wants to admit criticism.

Ego creates an atmosphere that can cause you to overestimate your ability and underestimate the efforts and skills required to go higher. If you must be a great web content writer, keep your ego in check.

20. Have Fun Writing


Make writing your hobby. Choose to enjoy the art of writing even if you aren’t passionate about it. Keep at it. Keep developing yourself, and never relent. Churn out content regularly to keep your audience engaged. They will never get enough.

Wrapping Up

Web content writing is a great journey to embark on. You, too, can be a great writer only if you cleverly adhere to the tips shared in this article. Remember, you don’t need to have good grades in school for you to turn out a smart writer. All you need do is, obey the rules and enjoy the ride.

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