
Rebecca Siggers

Explore 5 eCommerce store name generators


Are you looking for a tool to help you develop a special name for your business or website? This task can be challenging. You have to think about a lot, like if the website name you want is available and if the name will make your brand stand out. 

It’s so hard to think about all these things at once. So, right now, you need a business name generator. You only type a word related to your business; the generator gives you many ideas.

In this article, we share with you the Top 5 best eCommerce store name generator tools you can use for this.

Important factors to consider before creating a name for your business

About the brand: It’s super important that your business name shows what kind of brand, stuff, or services you’re offering. This affects how you tell people about it and connect with the people you want to reach. Eventually, people will recognize your brand.

About the market: Check out similar things in your industry products, services, or ads—and determine what makes those brands stick in people’s minds. Then, think about what will make your brand unique and different.

About Searchability: A good business name is easy to remember and find. That’s why you should aim for names that you can use as website addresses and social media handles and that show up well in online searches.

>>> You can refer to the  Best Shopify Store Name here for more interesting ideas 

Top 5 Best eCommerce Store Name Generator Tools 

1.  Shopify eCommerce Business Name Generator


Shopify, the well-known online store platform, gives out many handy tools for free, including their eCommerce store name generator.

They say it takes just ten seconds to come up with business name ideas. No long waits here! You type in your query, and boom, you’ll see loads of potential business names, mainly two words, spread across a few pages.

When you find a name you dig, setting up an online store with that name is super easy. Just a few clicks, and you’re on your way to building your eCommerce spot!

2.  Wix eCommerce Store Name Generator


Wix is famous for its ADI tech, a smart tool that helps business people make websites easily. And guess what? Their eCommerce business name generator is top-notch.

It’s simple to use and gives you many cool name ideas for your business. Type a word or two you want in your business name, and Wix will whip up some awesome suggestions.

Not just that, if you enter your industry, it’ll churn out names specific to that field. Plus, you can pick your faves from over 100 options and narrow it down to your top three.

Wix doesn’t stop there—they’ll even show you different web extensions like .com, .org, and more. Once you’ve got the right name, you can start building your site on Wix immediately. Or if you prefer, use it to find your name and snag it elsewhere.

3. NameSnack eCommerce Business Name Generator


NameSnack, a well-liked business name generator, helps you grab a catchy domain name for free.

It’s powered by smart AI that digs up special names for your industry. Just type in the keyword that fits your field best.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll see a list of business names. It might not have tons of specific filters, but you’ll still find some cool choices.

Plus, you’ll know if the .com domain name is up for grabs. NameSnack comes in English, Spanish, and Italian versions.

4. Domain Wheel Business Name Generator


Next up on our best eCommerce store name generators lineup is Domain Wheel, which happens to be one of our sibling sites, so we know it inside out.

It’s super easy to use—just pop in a few words about your business and hit “search domain.”

Using AI magic, it throws up a list of available domain names linked to those words. If you spot one you like, click “view details” for options to grab that domain for your business.

After picking your favorite, a few clicks later, you’ll have your business domain registered with your hosting company.

But wait, there’s more! Below those main suggestions, Domain Wheel’s AI gets creative. It suggests names related to your topic but does not use the exact keywords you entered. It’s a neat spot to find a unique name that might be perfect for your business.

5. Themeisle eCommerce Business Name Generator


While Themeisle shines with its great business themes, like Neve, our AI business name generator is making waves, too.

Just pop in your niche keyword, and voila! You’ll see some really cool business names that are up for grabs. Click “View Details,” and you’ll head to a hosting service with a free domain name.

If you’re after something more premium, our AI suggests top-notch names at way lower prices than services like Brandroot. You can snag a quality, single-word domain for as little as $300. 

How to Choose an eCommerce Store Name?

Picking the perfect name isn’t always easy, but here’s how to choose the best one from your list of cool business name ideas:

Stick in their minds: When people remember your name fast, it really helps your business. It’s like a domino effect—it helps get new customers, keeps them coming back, and makes marketing easier.

Branding: Your name is the starting point for everything about your brand. Things like your logo, slogan, and what you stand for all come from it. Changing your name later is tough, so pick one that can grow with your brand.

Clear and simple: A name that’s easy to understand sticks better. If people get your name, they will remember it later. Also, a name that is too specific might limit you in the future. So, think about a name that can change as your business grows.

Stand out: Make sure your name is one-of-a-kind. If it’s different from the rest, people will remember it more. Being unique is key to catching attention.

Available and unique: Check to see if someone else already has your name. Having the same name as another business can confuse people and ruin your online reputation. Also, make sure the website name matches your business. Grab your domain name quickly after choosing your business name.

Once you choose for your own business a stunning name, let’s move on to create an awesome eCommerce website with BSS Commerce Shopify which has 10+ years of experience in eCommerce and helps thousands of customers grow their businesses.


E-commerce store name generators simplify the hunt for top-notch names that can become successful brands. You can opt for a domain name based on keywords or one that’s more brand-focused, each with its perks. Once you’ve picked your business name, you’re set to kick off your online presence and start promoting your business.

In this article, “5 Best eCommerce Store Name Generator Tools,”  we hope you can choose suitable tools to generate your store name. 


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