
Olajumoke Oyaleke

8 Signs Of A Man Who Will Never Ever Stop Loving You

love, Love and Relationship

In today’s article, we’ll be discussing 8 signs of a man who will never ever stop loving you. I have come to realize that many people want to take extra measures before exploring the world of love and relationships. The ebb and flow of relationships has left many wondering if true love exists. 

In a world where it is not uncommon to see once-upon-a-time sweethearts suddenly turn into shadow-breakers, couples also divorce and stay out of marriage. One may wonder, how did the burning passion suddenly get quenched? 

Well, the funny thing about life is that it presents itself to us in different ways.

While some may have a bad perception of a relationship, some people are happy and would love to do life over and over again with their partners. It is not that these people are engaged with flawless angels, but they are with people who love and understand them and are ready to see beyond their flaws. 

There are ways to find out if a man’s love can stand the test of time. This is why, in this article, I’ll be discussing 8 signs of a man who will never ever stop loving you. Join me as we launch into a journey of awareness, enlightenment, and discovery. 

8 Signs Of A Man Who Will Never Ever Stop Loving You

 Here are the 8 signs of a man who will never ever stop loving you: 

1. He is There During Tough Times 

Mindy Sabiston, Unsplash

The first sign of the 8 signs of a man who will never ever stop loving you is that he won’t allow you to go through unpleasant circumstances alone. Some men are just fair-weather friends; the moment they realize you’re in trouble, they look for ways to excuse themselves from your life. But a man who loves you will share your problem and will always look for ways to help you overcome it.

Here’s a story of how Mary was able to know that her man genuinely loved her. Mary, a newly employed accountant, had given up on love until she met Ken at her new workplace. She had been jilted by guys so many times that she made up her mind to only concentrate on her personal life and career. 

Mary no longer wanted to have anything to do with guys. However, everything changed when she met Ken. Ken indicated interest in Mary, but she didn’t make the ride easy for him. Remember, she made up her mind that she was done with guys?

Well, it turned out that she was not able to keep her promises for too long because she was touched by how Ken was always present when she was sick. It was one of the most unforgettable moments of her life because, for six weeks, she had been very sick. 

In those six weeks of her life, Ken was always available. He would stay with Mary, feed her, encourage her, and pray for her. Mary was touched by Ken’s kindness, and she became convinced that he was the Mr. Right she had been waiting for. So Mary made up her mind to settle with Ken, and it was one of the best decisions she had ever made. 

This is one of the 8 signs of a man who will never ever stop loving you. He will never leave you in your down moments. He will be there to hold your hands and help you overcome every life challenge.

2. He Plans His Future with You 

Another one of the 8 signs of a man who will never ever stop loving you is that he will include you in his plans. This kind of man is always thinking about how he is going to spend his future with you. He can hardly imagine his life without you. So when he is making his plans, he makes sure your interests are taken into consideration. 

Instead of thinking about how things can work for him alone, he is thinking about how he can make things work for both of you. If you see a guy who does this, rest assured that he genuinely loves you and wants to be in your life. 

3. He Makes You His Confidant

When a guy confides in you, it shows he thinks you’re special. A guy who loves you will tell you things he will never share with other people because he feels you’re the only person he truly loves and cares about. Furthermore, he notifies you even before taking up any task. 

A guy who does not think you’re a major part of his life will not discuss his endeavors with you. But if he loves you, he will want you to share your opinions with him before he makes major decisions. And he trusts that you will never take advantage of his vulnerability to hurt him. 

4. He Introduces You to His Friends and Family  

A man who will never ever stop loving you will be proud to show you off to everyone, especially his friends and family. If he’s interested in committing to a relationship with you, he won’t hesitate to introduce you to the people that matter in his life. This is a sign that he loves you and wants a serious relationship with you. 

If you are with a man who tells you that he wants the relationship between you to be kept secret, then that’s a red flag. Avoid a man like this because he has no plan to establish any kind of commitment with you. 

5. He Accepts You for Who You are

There is no such thing as a perfect man or woman. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. However, some people cannot tolerate other people’s flaws, but a guy who loves you thinks you are flawless because he accepts you for who you are. He does not blame you or make you feel bad for your weaknesses. 

This kind of man just allows you to be yourself around him. After all, he won’t judge or condemn you. Even when he corrects you, he does it out of love and care, not to demean or trample on you. 

6. He is Loyal and Faithful 

Another one of the 8 signs of a man who will never ever stop loving you is that he is loyal and faithful to you. This kind of man is committed to you and will not flirt with other girls, even when they’re beautiful, smart, rich, nice, etc. Rather than flirt with other ladies, a man who will never ever stop loving you will do his best to cultivate you into the kind of woman he wants you to be. 

All he does is always protect your interests and respect your relationship with him. Loyalty and faithfulness are true signs of a man who will never stop loving you. 

7. He Prioritizes Spending Time with You

Dúóng Hūú, Unsplash

Attention is one of the things that a man who loves you and wants to be with you will give you. How to know that a guy will never stop loving you is that he prioritizes spending time with you. This kind of man will not see you as a disturbance. Anytime he remembers you’re meeting, he’ll be so delighted to have you. 

Even when he is busy, a man who will never ever stop loving you still makes time for you because he always wants to be around you and enjoys spending time with you. 

8. He Forgives Easily and Apologizes when He’s Wrong

The last of the 8 signs of a man who will never ever stop loving you is that he easily forgives you. He does not hold your faults against you or keep reminding you of them. He may get mad sometimes when you offend him, but he immediately lets it go when you apologize.  

Also, a man who will never ever stop loving you apologizes and says sorry when he wrongs you as well.

Last Words

In this article, I’ve shared with you 8 signs of a man who will never ever stop loving you. I hope you find it invaluable. Dear ladies, if he comes to you and tells you that he loves you, how do you know if this is true? How do you know that he means his words and not just because of his selfish desire? A man who will never stop loving you will prioritize your happiness at all times. 

Furthermore, he will want to see you rise to the top and become a woman to be reckoned with. The signs discussed in this article may not be all the signs of a man who will never ever stop loving you. However, it can serve as a guide to help you make informed decisions about the kind of man you want to be with. Also, while you desire this kind of man, be that kind of woman who will love, cherish, and help her man become a better person.

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