
Rebecca Smith

Finding Your Face Shape, The Key to Perfect Eyeglasses

Have you ever noticed that some people look cool and cuter in specific glasses than others? The distinction is not because some people are cuter than others, but it is the selection of the right glasses, i.e., those who look attractive in glasses take their time to select the perfect match.

Glasses are perfect for everyone; however, you should take some time to ensure the one you wear is the best one for you and will significantly contribute to your looks.

Eyeglasses are an essential part of fashion, and for whatever reasons you need them, ensure you select the right one based on facial attributes, i.e., skin tones, shape, eyebrows, and sensitivity. Whether for prescription or just fashion, choosing the right glasses according to your facial attributes is essential to look cool, attractive, and recognizable in a crowd.

Let’s explore how facial attributes determine the type of glasses you select for prescription or fashion needs.

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Picking Right EyeGlasses for Sensitivity

If you have sensitive skin or eyes, you need the perfect glasses to protect your facial structures effectively to avoid issues such as burns around the eyes. Glasses play a significant role in protecting your eyes against external conditions; however, not all will be suitable for the ultimate protection.

All glasses will perfectly cover the areas around the eyes to protect you from external conditions such as debris and other flying objects suspended in the air.

During the summers, you notice that ordinary prescription glasses are insufficient to protect the eyes against UV rays. After walking sometimes in your prescription glasses, you notice some pain or difficulty to see clearly. On such occasions, you need the ultimate sunglasses to protect your eyes.

Wearing sunglasses alone may also affect your ability to see if you are wearing prescription glasses; hence, you need glasses that can double a sunglass. One of your solutions is the magnetic clip on glasses, which can ultimately protect your eyes from the sun’s rays and still enable you to see.

Since they are magnetic and clip-on, all you have to do is wear them on the prescription glasses, and the magnets will hold them into position. You can go for the ordinary clip-on sunglasses or ask the optician to transform them into a prescription version.

The clip-ons are perfect due to versatility since you can pull the sunglasses out to use the ordinary lenses for office work, indoors, and when the sun is not too harsh. If you live in dry and hot areas such as the Middle East, Arizona, and other desert conditions, the prescription will be the best choice since you must always use them.

Besides the glasses, you also need a perfect hat to protect the entire face when living in such conditions. However, the glasses are the first line of defense since damage to the eye can be permanent, but the skin can be corrected.

Selecting The Glasses to Compliment Your Skin Tone

Glasses are an essential part of fashion and your wardrobe; hence, you should select one that fits your needs and perfectly complements your style. Select one that complements the skin tone for a perfect match and admirable fashion. When choosing the best frames for your needs, skin tone plays a significant role in selection; for instance, if you are black, the black frame can embolden your fashion; otherwise, you should consider other colors.

For a warm skin tone, the best frame colors should be tan, pink, blue, or purple. The greatest rule when selecting the frames is to avoid the frames of the same tone as your skin unless you need to communicate a perfect message. If you are a crown, a colorless, shiny, black frame will be ideal, especially when going out.

Also, note that the frame colors can be an essential part of your fashion message, i.e. if you are attending a winter event, the bold colors will not be suitable; however, you need some light frames to compliment the light make-up. For the ultimate fashion and looks, have at least three types of glasses in your wardrobe of different frame colors to match the occasion, fashion, and other needs.

Matching Your Face Shape with The Right Glasses

This should be the first consideration when selecting your glasses so that you look cute at all times and for all occasions. If you are new to getting the right glasses, the optician can help you choose the best ones according to your facial shape. You can also do it alone at home in front of a mirror with a dry-erase marker to help you know your facial shape. You can do so; if you plan to buy the frames, then take them to the optician to fix your glasses.

Once you know your facial shape, you must select glasses that complement the facial shape. Here is a simple help for newbies: if you have a round shape, consider rectangle, square, aviator, and geometric shapes. If you have an oval shape, you can work with nearly all types of frames: round, rectangle, square, aviator, geometric, oval, bowline, etc.

If you have a square face, the best options are round, cat eyes, way frame, aviators, bowline, and oval. For a triangular face, you also have various options, like geometric, aviators, square, way fare, round, and cat eyes. Finally, for the heart shape, use cat eyes, rectangles, way fares, browlines, and ovals.

The facial shape should not be the only determinant of frame design; also, consider other factors that will help narrow the existing options to get the best one.

The Shape of Your Eye Brows

One of the rules most people ignore is selecting the perfect glasses to match the eyebrow’s shape. It is a tiny detail but can affect your loos significantly and how satisfied you are with your looks. Therefore, pay attention to your eyebrow shape before selecting the right glasses.

The frames and glasses should parallel your eyebrow shapes; for instance, if you have straight eyebrows, select straight frames to align with the eyebrow design.

Do not select glasses that leave most of your eyebrows exposed and visible. Only about half of your eyebrows should be visible above your glasses. If your brows are curved, the glasses should also be curved, i.e., oval lenses, to fit perfectly. After selecting the lenses designed to match your eyebrows, ensure they are big enough to cover about half of your eyebrows.

Select the frame design to match everything to avoid a mix-up that leaves you dissatisfied. This is one of the reasons you should buy the frames and then visit the optician to fix the perfect lenses according to your frame designs since the lenses can always be cut to fit in.


The first consideration when selecting eyeglasses is purpose, i.e., fashion, prescription, and protection. Hover, you should choose the ultimate glasses that meet all these needs effectively; hence, you should select one perfect for your facial structure. For the best selection, consider the eyebrow shape, facial shape, skin tone, eye sensitivity, and other facial attributes.

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