Joy Ayaya

7 Signs of a Family Curse


In today’s post, we’ll be discussing 7 signs of a family curse. Family or generational curses are passed from generation to generation. They are negative patterns and histories that keep repeating themselves in every generation until someone rises to break the cycle. Curses can be passed down through the actions of our forefathers, parents, and even our own experiences. 

Also, they can be passed down through folktales or ancient stories. Curses can stem from disobedience to parents, envy, killing and bloodshed, injustice, violation of covenants, evil associations, etc. You must understand the root of the curse before you can deal with it effectively.

This article seeks to give you clarity on the signs that you might be experiencing a family curse. But before we delve into the seven signs of a family curse, let’s define briefly what a family curse is.

What is a Family Curse?

The Gospel Coalition defines family curse as the cumulative effect on a person of things that their ancestors did, believed, or practiced in the past and the consequences of an ancestor’s actions, beliefs, and sins being passed down. Some of the signs of a family curse may include addiction, mental illnesses, physical illnesses, spiritual attacks, poverty, etc.

Some people do not believe in family curses because they see them as mere stories rooted in superstitious or cultural traditions and beliefs. And although family curses may not have scientific proof, they do exist.

7 Signs of a Family Curse

The 7 signs of a family curse you should know include:

1. Repeated Misfortunes

Juan Felipe, Pexel

Repeated misfortune is one of the seven signs of a family curse. When it becomes evident that your family is experiencing a pattern of misfortunes like health issues, accidents, stagnation, poverty, etc., then it might be a sign that your family is under a curse.

Also, when your family has a repeated pattern of failure and adversity in all their endeavors, that might be a sign of a family curse. While some failures occur due to laziness or carelessness, others may occur due to a curse that was passed down. This is why it’s important to understand the root cause of your misfortunes before you start looking for solutions.

2. Generational Problems

Problems and challenges in life are normal and inevitable. However, when these problems keep reoccurring from generation to generation, then it’s something to ponder. These problems may include the premature death of family members at a certain age, the first son ending up as a drunk, constant conflict among the family members, etc.

Furthermore, there are some families where their ladies don’t marry early, while others marry, divorce, or even become barren. Also, in some families, there is no single graduate, and whenever a door of favor is about to open, something just happens and it will close. So they keep struggling. Such occurrences are signs of a family curse. But the good news is that these curses can be broken!

3. Servicing Negativity and Unfortunate Events

Laye, a family man in his early fifties, shared his story of always having a police case just a few days before his birthday. According to him, the experience started when he was 30 years old. He said he would always end up spending his birthdays in a police cell and must spend fortunes to be released.

Laye also confirmed that his elder brother had the same terrible experience. He started looking for a spiritual solution when it became obvious that such an occurrence wasn’t ordinary. Finally, the curse was broken, and he became free.

When you keep serving negativity with your money and resources in unprofitable and unfortunate cases, it might be a sign of a family curse.

4. Near Success Syndrome

Another one of the seven signs of a family curse is a near-success syndrome. Have you ever had a near-successful experience that ended in tears and disappointment? In this case, you almost passed that exam or got the contract, but one thing led to another, and you didn’t succeed again. This is not normal and might be a sign of a family curse.

Again, you’re repeatedly advancing, and boom, you reach your peak performance. Then something happens, and you’re back to zero. This is called ‘back and forth syndrome’ and it’s not normal. Rising and falling at your peak could be a sign of a family curse.

5. Steady Frustrations

When you’re constantly experiencing frustration, it could also be a sign of a family curse. For instance, it could be that in your family, nobody has ever attained any level of greatness or achieved any good thing in life. Furthermore, when shame and reproach have become the norm in your family and you’re always depending on others to survive, it could be a sign of a family curse.

Also, continual rejection from getting a job or receiving assistance from even people who are capable of rendering help could be a sign of a family curse.

6. Repeated Case of Barrenness and Infertility

Charles Parker, Pexel

If there’s a trend of barrenness among married women in your family, it could be a sign of a family curse. While barrenness or infertility can be caused by factors like surgical or congenital absence of ovaries, fibroids, sexual dysfunction, infrequent or absent periods, etc. However, when all these factors have been checked and marked negative, plus it’s a constant occurrence with women in your family not giving birth after their wedding, then it’s not normal.

There are cases where the married men in your family are not able to impregnate their wives, even after medical interventions. If this has been a constant recurrence in your family, then it could be a sign of a family curse.

7. Constant Failure in Business

Constant failure in business is one of the seven signs of a family curse. Every business requires intentionality and diligence to be successful. However, when you’re diligent in your business yet you keep recording losses, then it’s no longer normal. That could be a sign of a family curse

Perhaps you tried your hands on multiple businesses in case you needed to change your line of business, but all your efforts were fruitless. In this case, your problem is not with your line of business; you might just be suffering a curse

Furthermore, when you keep struggling to stand in business despite being financially intelligent, you work and invest so much into your business, but you have no result. More like working like an elephant and eating like an ant. Well, this might be a sign that you’re under a family curse.

How to Break Free from Family Curses

But how can you be free from family curses? Here’s what to do:

  • Pay attention to these occurrences.
  • Surrender your life totally to God because He is the author and finisher of our faith.
  • Have a strong faith in God as your deliverer.
  • Engage in praying and fasting.

Curses can be banned from continuing by reversing them. You can break your family curse with the help of the Holy Spirit. Seeking spiritual help will go a long way toward helping and setting you free. A sincere heart outpouring to God is the best way to start.

God says in His Word:

[blockquote align=”none” author=”2 Chronicles 7:14″] For if My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray,  seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. [/blockquote]

Last Words 

As we conclude on the 7 signs of a family curse, I want you to know that curses are real and can be passed from one generation to another unless someone breaks them. Curses can be caused by disobedience to parents, evil pronouncements, idolatry, adultery, bearing false witness, maltreating the poor, stealing, etc.

Some curses might even be self-imposed. For example, if you’re a parent, you might use words like, ‘If I don’t deal with that person, let none of my children marry.’ You see, this might sound like an ordinary word, but our words carry power. More importantly, you must know that there’s no curse without a cause, and if a curse was caused, then it can also be broken.

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