Most of the people who find themselves reading an article like this have a pretty strong belief that their ex has completely lost feelings for them. In my opinion, the no contact rule alone isn’t going to restart someone’s feelings for you all the time. That may be hurtful to hear, but the truth is that there’s a lot more that goes into making your ex come back to you.
Undoubtedly, the no contact rule has consistently proven to be an effective strategy for ex recovery. However, it’s necessary to say that it is often inflated, as most people have a drastic understanding of the true point of the no contact rule.
You could check out our previous post to know if the no contact rule will work if He’s lost feelings.
Ever applied the no contact rule on your ex that you feel has lost feelings for you? Are you left wondering if it’s working or not? Here, I’ve curated 5 signs the no contact rule is working that you should watch out for in your relationship. Come along.
Signs the No Contact Rule is Working
1. They Make Social Media Posts Directly Targeting You
People don’t talk about those they don’t give a damn about? Highly unlikely they will even have time for all that exuberance. But one strong sign the no contact rule is working on your ex you should probably pay attention to is if he makes social media posts, which in all indications shows he’s referring to you.
It is obviously a sign that he is angry at you, hasn’t moved on yet, and expects you to reach out to him at some point. The fact that you’re playing the silent game with him and not begging him as usual is making him more mad at you, hence the targeted posts on social media.
He misses you badly, and he can’t help but express his thoughts and emotions indirectly, hoping you’ll take notice. It could also be that he’s trying to make you feel jealous in situations where he talks about his new relationship and how the new person is everything he loves and quite different from you.
Whatever the case might be, if you ever come across such posts, just smile and remain calm and confident. It’s a sign the no contact rule is working its magic on him. He is trying to get a reaction out of you that would make you reach out to him. You just make sure you don’t reach out to him first until he takes that bold step of reaching out to you himself.
2. Shows Up in Places Where you Usually Hangout
If you run into your ex at a usual spot where you and your friends hang out regularly, it is one of the unmistakable 5 signs the no contact rule is working. This is especially true if it’s places they would not hang out in normal situations or where they live is quite far from that spot.
Someone might say, “Oh, what a lucky coincidence”! That’s a fat lie; it’s no coincidence. It was all pre-planned and figured out by him. Who knows? Maybe they even followed you there. All of these might be arranged just to have face to face and eye contact with you if you still have feelings for them. Especially if they looked and smelled really good, obviously in a bid to leave a lasting impression.
3. Your Ex is Contacting your Family or Friends
If you applied the no contact rule to your ex and they’re busy contacting your friends, mom, siblings, or even colleagues, asking about you or probably reporting you to them, it’s a clear sign the no contact rule is working. They may even go as far as having their friends call you directly. This behavior shows that they’re hurt and find it difficult to let go of you.
This goes beyond showing that the no contact rule is working and very effective. The no contact rule creates a void in their lives that they desperately attempt to fill by reaching out to those closely connected with them. In such a situation, it is advised that you take your stand by maintaining your own boundaries and continuing with the no-contact method until you’re fully ready to face them.
4. They Contact You Themselves
One of the obvious 5 signs the no contact rule is working is when your ex contacts you. Just like the popular saying, “If the mountain doesn’t come to Muhammad, Muhammad will go to the mountain”, your ex could contact you themselves when he/she sees that you won’t bulge. You are probably stronger than he thought. He can’t believe you’re not chasing after him or contacting him.
That’s why most of the time, when they contact you, they only get a drop of “hey” or simply ask “what’s up”? And when you send a reply, you probably won’t get a response from them anymore. They go back into oblivion. They were just checking in to see if you would respond and if you still cared about them.
Note that unless the message an ex drops is something of great substance, something meaningful, Maybe an apology or something mind appeasing; messages other than these or anything related should not be responded to until they decide to get real and intentional in their messages.
5. You Start to Feel Much Better

Lastly, this is about you and not your ex. If you are starting to feel much better and happier, it’s also a sign the no contact rule is working. Remember, the no contact rule isn’t just about getting your ex back. It’s also about you feeling better. It’s about you pulling away from the depression the breakup probably brought you into and starting to engage in things that make you feel much better.
What happens when you’re faced with a heartbreak is that your prefrontal cortex has been hijacked by your more primitive brain, making you not think logically like humans should. It makes you act and think like a primate does. A primate does not care about anything apart from eating, having sex, and sleeping. That is what depression reduces you to.
In essence, the no contact rule helps you regain your cognitive thinking and become psychologically and emotionally balanced. If you adhere strictly to the no contact rule and start taking your emotional and physical needs more seriously, you will see that it will work its magic on you. Even if it doesn’t work for your ex, you’ll still be happy and move on gleefully.
Wrapping Up on 5 Signs The No Contact Rule is Working
This is an all inclusive list of the 5 signs the no contact rule is working. If you find one or more of them to be true, it could be a sign the no contact rule is working on your relationship. However, it is also important to note that it doesn’t automatically mean that your ex will come back to you.
Some exes can be very stubborn and determined never to go back on their word, no matter the situation. If you discover he’s not making an attempt to revive the relationship, kindly move on with your life happily. You never know what’s ahead of you. If you keep on being happy and doing things that make you happy, one day in the future, you’ll look back and say to yourself, “I made the best decision ever by letting my ex go”. So, cheers to a fruitful and purposeful life!
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