A guy might find himself at a crossroads, confused about what to do or the next course of action, the moment his girl begins to pull away from that relationship. His action during that moment can either remedy the situation or make things even worse if care is not taken.
Pulling away from a relationship should not create enmity between partners who have established deeper connections and once had feelings for each other. However, it is a pity that the ugly situation that most partners find themselves in after a girl decides to pull away. This is due to the mistakes that guys make when a girl decides to pull away.
It is undeniable that the aftermath of pulling away is not always pleasant. The guy involved will be caught in a sad, angry, and confused feeling and might even feel jilted. These feelings can only make the guy act out of place; some might even go to the extreme of trying to get revenge. I guess such people have not heard that ‘success is the best revenge’.
Guys need to know how to handle situations like this more maturely and put things in order when things get messy. This is why I’ll be providing you with five mistakes that guys make when a girl pulls away so that you won’t be making that same mistake.
Delving into these mistakes will help uncover things that guys need to do and those that need to be avoided, but before looking into these five common mistakes that guys make when a girl pulls away, we shall consider the signs that a girl will show that will help you know if she is pulling away or not. Knowing these will help you know how to salvage the situation before things get out of hand. Let’s consider how a guy will find out if a girl is pulling away.
How do you know when a Girl is Pulling Away from a Relationship?

I’ll consider 5 mistakes that guys make when a girl pulls away but before we look into them, we shall look at some of the signs to look out for as a guy to know she doesn’t take Interest in Anything you say Anymore. One of the ways to easily discover that a girl is trying to pull away is that she will start showing little or no concern over things that pertain to you.
She acts like everything that has to do with you is none of her business, and she does not want to be involved. Even when you ask for her opinion about certain things, she seems not to have any, and she is always in a haste to end the conversation with you. Once you notice this sign, you should try to find out why she is acting like that towards you and why she is no longer showing interest in the relationship and trying to pull away.
● She Keeps Things Away from You
Being secretive can be one of the signs that a girl is pulling away. She will no longer feel the need to tell you things because she doesn’t feel committed to that relationship anymore. She no longer sees you as the person she wants to talk to and tell things to because she is losing interest in you and A girl that is pulling away probably has someone she is comfortable telling those things to instead of talking about them to you. That is an obvious sign she is pulling away.
● She no Longer Enjoys Your Company
If a Girl no longer enjoys your company and does not want to hang around you for long or even want you around anymore, it is a sign that she is pulling away. She would rather be in the company of her friends or be alone than have you around her. If she keeps displaying this attitude, it is a sign that she is pulling away. She just hasn’t told you that it’s over.
● She Gets Angry With You Easily
One of the ways to know that a lady is no longer interested in a relationship is if she gets easily angry about absolutely everything that you do or say, even at the slightest thing she wouldn’t normally get angry at. She finds fault in almost everything you do, and you suddenly grow conscious of what you do or say because you are trying to avoid getting her angry. It shows that she is pulling away; she just hasn’t made it official with you.
If a girl exhibits any of the signs listed above, she is probably tired and trying to put an end to that relationship. But the question is, why would any girl want to pull away in the first place? There’s no smoke without fire; is that not what they say? Here are some possible reasons that can make a girl pull away.
Why do Girls Pull Away?

Different girls pull away from their relationships for different reasons. However, let’s consider the common reasons girls pull away from a relationship.
● She Feels Insecure
Insecurity is a very serious factor that can eventually make a girl pull away from a relationship. When someone feels insecure, it simply means that such persons lack a level of certainty in their relationships and have self-doubt about themselves.
Insecurity can be a result of different reasons, such as lack of trust, jealousy, or unpleasant experiences from past relationships. When a lady starts feeling insecure in a relationship, she will struggle to trust her partner, and this might result in several misunderstandings at different times between partners. If such a situation persists in a relationship, a girl might get tired and pull away from that relationship.
● Constant Nagging
Girls generally do not like it when a guy nags at them. Nagging can make girls feel like they find too much fault in everything that they do. This can make girls feel like they are not enough, and this gradually erases their interest in their partner. Eventually, they get fed up with the relationship, making them pull away at the end of the day.
● Your Energy does not Match Hers
Oftentimes, girls tend to show more love and care in relationships than men, but that does not mean that men do not show that they care about their women. However, some guys are not just doing enough. Caring for a woman should not just be professed with your words but be put into action as well.
Let a woman know that you care about her the same way she cares about you. Imagine when a woman is the one who is always calling, texting, checking up on you, and taking interest in things that concern the guy but the guy is not doing that back.
This may continue in a relationship for a while, but the girl will eventually get tired and be unwilling to continue the relationship. After all, they say that action speaks louder than words. So if you’re not matching her energy or reciprocating the attention and care she might feel, you just don’t love her the same way she does. if she feels this way, why won’t she pull away?
● Your Values do not Align
Another major reason why girls pull away from a relationship is that your values do not align. Having values that do not match will constantly result in misunderstandings, arguments, and fights, which is not healthy for relationships. This can become very frustrating, especially when the guy is authoritative and always tries to enforce his opinion every time. If this is the situation in a relationship, it can be a very good reason for a girl to pull away.
● You are not Responsible
Girls want to be with men who are responsible, not just someone who they feel does not know what he wants or is considered a playboy or an unserious person. If a girl considers a guy irresponsible, she can pull away to be with someone with such qualities.
The truth is that we, as humans, cannot prevent certain things from happening. One of those things is pulling away from a relationship. If it then happens that a girl pulls away, what are some of the 5 major mistakes that guys make when such a thing happens?
5 Mistakes Guys make when a Girl Pulls Away

Every relationship has its ups and downs, sweet and sour moments. They say everything can not always be rosy and smooth. There are times when issues will arise in a relationship. Sometimes these issues can be resolved, while it may be a hard task to resolve others.
Here are the 5 Mistakes Guys Make when a Girl Pulls Away
1. Not Finding Out the Reason
The first mistake that guys make when a girl pulls away is that they refuse to find out the reason why she does not want to be in a relationship anymore. The first thing to do as a guy when a girl pulls away is to find out the cause and get to know her reason instead of trying to see her as the bad person in that relationship. You can never tell.
You may think that you have no part in the reason why she is pulling away, but you might even be surprised to find out that you are the major cause or reason why she does not want to be in that relationship with you anymore. Communication can do more good in helping to sustain a relationship than one can imagine. If your girl is pulling away, do not make the mistake of not having a conversation with her or trying to find out the reason.
2. Overcompensating with Gifts
A lot of times, when a girl pulls away, guys think that one way to win her back is by gifting her with material things. While this may work for some girls for a short while, it is not the best way to go about it.
What you are trying to do is try to buy her love with gifts and material things, so what happens when the gift is no longer there? Just like I said earlier, this is not a very nice approach because, at the end of it all, it does not mean that she will remain in that relationship.
However, a lot of guys out there still make this same mistake over and over. Stop trying to overcompensate a girl with gifts when she pulls away.
3. Not Giving her the Needed Space
Sometimes when a girl pulls away, what she needs is space to figure out some things about herself or some things in her life. If a girl makes it known to you, guys should learn to respect this and not try to keep pressuring the girl to continue the relationship. It may seem like a hard thing to do, but not giving a girl the space she needs is not the right thing to do when she pulls away.
4. Making her feel Guilty for her Actions
Another mistake that guys make when a girl pulls away is that they try to make her feel guilty for her actions. Many guys will keep asking the girl questions like, “Do I deserve this? After all, I have done for you, Do you know that you are hurting me with your actions?” Maybe you think when you do this, it will make her reconsider her action and come back to you? That approach is not going to work.
5. Putting all the blame on her
This happens all the time. When a girl pulls away, the next line of action is for the guy to start blaming her, telling everyone who cares how bad she is and how she has ended the relationship. Guys should try to respect girls even when they pull away. It is okay if the relationship does not work out, not all relationships work out anyway.
If she pulls away, do not blame her for everything, ask questions and try to reflect on how you have been a part of why the relationship does not work out rather than putting all the blame on her.
In conclusion, One thing that we need to understand is that pulling away does not always have to mean the end of a relationship; sometimes it might just be that she needs some time to resolve some issues. However, most times, it means that she is just tired of walking away from that relationship for good.
A woman who has truly been loved and treated rightly by her man has no reason to pull away from such a relationship.