The world as we know it has evolved, as have the workplace and the qualities that are considered important. Where once talent was the major marker for employability, soft skills are now more exalted and desirable.
They are a fundamental component of who you are and go a long way toward showing how productive you would be on a job or on a project. They are essential in order for you to climb the career ladder all the way to the top.
These skills are not in any way complicated. They are indicative of your values and personality.
If you take out your talent, university degree(s), and certifications, what other skills do you possess that make you exceptional? These are the skills we will be looking at in this article.
And yes, this is also good news for you if you feel like you are not the most talented or gifted person on the block. These skills will make you exceptional and irresistible.
I would love to encourage you to seek out intentional ways to make this a part of who you are because they are pivotal to increasing your performance and helping you succeed.
Investors and employers are keenly looking for these skills. If you possess them, they will give you an edge and change the trajectory of your career, irrespective of what that career is.
Not only are these skills necessary for your career, but they are also essential for life.
Allow me to walk you through these 20 things that require zero talent, and you’ll see how essential they are for life and your career.
20 Things That Require Zero Talent
1. Being Prepared
Success is attained when opportunity meets preparedness. Don’t ever be caught off guard by an opportunity that pertains to your career. Determine to stay one step ahead of your career.
Whenever you are to have a meeting or presentation, ensure you maximize the time of notice to adequately prepare because the best way to sound intelligent is to be armed with knowledge. And that knowledge you can only get when you invest time in getting ready for opportunities.
With this, there is no room for laziness or procrastination. Instead, if you make it a habit to prepare before you go for meetings, conferences, or presentations, your confidence will skyrocket, as will the impression you leave on your audience and the people around you.
Remember that failing to prepare means that you are preparing to fail.
2. Think outside the box
Necessity is the mother of invention, it is true, but its father is creativity, and knowledge is the midwife,” says Jonathan Schattke.
Being innovative and seeking ways to do things differently and smartly will set you apart from others.
Be creative with your ideas. Resist the urge to settle for mediocrity or what’s normal. Dare to be different and to think differently.
Be the go-to person for solutions that are beyond ordinary but will definitely save time and increase efficiency.
Not only will you be a huge addition to your employers and investors, but you’ll also be a haven for your colleagues.
Push yourself to think critically and outside the box.
3. Integrity
Integrity means that your “yes” is indeed “yes” and your “no” is “no”. It means that people can take your words to the bank without fear because you have a track record of being honest.
In a world where people are doing a lot to cover their tracks and cheat others by telling lies or padding the truth, in a world where integrity seems to be forgotten, stand alone.
I can’t tell you how much this will save you or the accolades it will attract to your life.
Be honest with your family, friends, employers, and colleagues, and be sure to let them know that with you, integrity is the norm.
4. Work Ethic
Most successful people possess this trait. It’s a doggedness to give only quality services or products and to never lower that standard for any reason, even on sick days.
It’s a pursuit and commitment to excellence, as this is vital to achieving your goals as well as those of the organization you work for. It builds a great brand image and leaves a lasting impression on clients that keeps them coming back.
A strong work ethic shows that you are committed to and responsible for your job and possess the willingness to see to it that the organization moves from one level to another. Despite the challenges you may encounter, you push through them until you see the desired result.
You may not be the most talented person on the block, but your work ethic would definitely make you stand out.
5. Effort
Effort is the work you put in to further buttress the work ethic you possess. It’s your dedication to seeing a task completed and meeting the standard of excellence.
You keep at your work until it is complete; you are not a quitter. Don’t settle until the desired outcome is achieved. Give it your 100% every time you show up.
You don’t run away from being assigned a new task or assignment because you know that you have what it takes to accomplish whatever you set out to do.
No one should expect to succeed if they are not willing to roll up their sleeves and put in the effort required to see that they achieve success.
6. Punctuality
Punctuality is the soul of business. It gives you time to relax, familiarize yourself with your environment, and get your heart and thoughts into a good rhythm so that you are less nervous.
It helps you appear confident and poised and gives the impression that you understand the value of the other person’s time.
Being on time to a meeting, your work, or just about everywhere is a function of planning. You have to make the decision that you will never be late.
Of course, there may be some cogent reason for not meeting up at the agreed time, such as unanticipated traffic or an emergency. But when it becomes a habit, you know you have a problem on your hands.
To help with keeping time, cut down on the activities you need to do when getting prepared. So, for example, lay out your clothes the day before. Iron them and check for any loose buttons or holes.
Plan for breakfast the night before; park up important documents hours before you leave so that you don’t spend time turning your house upside down looking for a document or a sock and then getting late.
The early bird gets the worm; the late bird gets under the boss’s skin.
7) Being a Good Listener

A key to being likeable is to listen more than you speak. Your ability to properly communicate your ideas and opinions is a skill that cannot be looked down on. It is one of the ways that people get to hear your message, receive the solutions you have to offer, and know your worth.
But while you are big on communicating, you must remember that there is no communication if there is no listener. Learn to take the back seat sometimes and listen to other people while nodding in affirmation and encouragement for them to go on.
With listening, you get to know people better—their ideologies and thought patterns. You’ll also learn a lot that way and increase your understanding as well.
Listening will keep you from sounding dumb, especially if you are not armed with the right knowledge to carry on the conversation going on at that moment.
The next time you are at a meeting or engaged in a conversation, deliberately pause to listen to the words, tones, and body language. You’ll be amazed at the depth of knowledge and perspective you will gain.
8. Passion
Passion is a love and zest for what you do, irrespective of whether or not the result you get is good or not.
Sometimes, the work may not be perfect or recognized, but with passion, you put in a great deal of effort because you enjoy your work.
People who are passionate are usually present and mindful of the task at hand. They possess the drive and faith to see each task through.
They are eager to try new things and would push themselves to explore. It’s best to build your career around the things you enjoy, as you will easily succeed at what you are passionate about.
And passion is contagious; soon enough, your colleagues, employers, employees, and investors will pick up on your passion and make it theirs.
9. Empathy
Putting yourself in another person’s shoes can brood kindness in your heart and change your perspective. With empathy, you are understanding towards others and are able to offer them a hand of fellowship even though you can’t take away their pain.
In a world where everyone has a strong opinion about everything, kindness and understanding have been thrown out and trampled on.
But a person who is empathetic brings balance to the workplace and is more likeable.
Find the lines of intersection between you and the people you work with and hold on to them.
No matter our race, ideologies, religion, or gender, we have more in common than the things that threaten to divide us.
10. Attitude
A successful person knows how to turn challenges into opportunities because their general outlook on life is that every challenge is a building block, not a stumbling stone.
Attitude determines your perspective. You never see the glass as half empty, but as half full.
You are always willing to give your best and to work on different aspects of your life so that you are ever evolving into a higher version of yourself.
A good attitude helps you maximize the talents you have and fill in for those you don’t.
11. Good body language
A clear expression of what’s going on in your head at any given time is your body language. Your facial expressions, posture, and gestures can go a long way toward showing your values, thoughts, opinions, enthusiasm, true feelings, emotions, and self-worth.
How you move and express yourself when you are around others shapes who you are and how you are perceived.
Watch your body language. Don’t slouch or walk sluggishly; it gives the aura of someone who is frustrated or having a bad time. I’m sure that’s not how you want to be perceived.
Here’s a tip to help you work on your body language: practice how to walk and smile in front of a mirror. It will help you walk and smile effortlessly when it matters.
Be mindful of your emotions and quickly deal with them. Also, find a way to deal with stress and anxiety.
In all you do, ensure that your body language aligns with your attitude, values, and the way you want to be perceived.
12. Teachability
If you find it difficult to adapt to change, a new idea, an environment, or technology, it’s probably because you haven’t committed to learning.
Learning gives you a springboard to growth, especially learning from people who have traveled the path that you are currently on.
It will reduce time and increase efficiency as you get to climb on other people’s shoulders by learning from their experiences.
Be open to receiving feedback and criticism from your clients, colleagues, and supervisors.
A man who isn’t humble enough to learn can’t lead.
13. Energy
The energy you assign to each task is totally up to you. It’s the vibe with which you set out each day that determines your attitude and how much you accomplish.
What’s good thing about energy is that it is contagious. Your colleagues can pick up your vibe and run with it, making your team’s work easier.
Master the art of channeling your energy toward productive things in your life. Be the life at work; show your energy and empower others to do the same.
Also master the art of energy conservation. Get a good night’s sleep to replenish your energy bar and prepare you to take on the next day.
14. A good dress sense

Looking good and smelling nice is good business. It leaves a lasting impression and shows preparedness. The way you are dressed for work or a meeting sets the tone for how you will be addressed. So dress for the role that you wish to occupy.
While you may not have the wherewithal to go for expensive clothes, there are certain things you can do to package yourself presentably.
- Always wear well-ironed clothes and polished shoes.
- Mind color combinations. A well-combined outfit gives you great vibes.
- Trimmed beards and hair, or well-made ones for ladies, also stand out.
- Invest in your skin’s care.
- Use a soothing cologne or perfume.
Remember, you are seen before you are heard.
15. Show up
The ability to consistently leave your footprints in the sands of time is one that makes you stand out.
Showing up requires courage and doggedness—a willingness to stay the course. It means you are not afraid to be heard and seen.
The digital space is the new world. If you are going to get to the top, you must carve out a space for yourself in the digital world.
Show up on your social media handles as much as you show up in person. And do it with consistency and a clear message that aligns with the way you want to be perceived.
Create opportunities for yourself. Show your preparedness and all the other skills that you possess.
You can’t win if you don’t play. You can’t play if you don’t show up.
16. Willing to go the extra mile
A secret to being indispensable and valuable lies in doing the extra. It is recognizing where your job starts and ends and being willing to do more to get a preferable outcome.
A little extra means going above and beyond the expectations and job description. It makes a huge difference.
It shows you don’t settle for mediocrity or cut corners. You are a smart worker who isn’t done until excellence is achieved.
This can set you apart and increase your value.
17. Pay attention to details
If you are alert to the elements that make up the big picture, this can separate you from the ordinary. These finer details distinguish businesses and industries.
Pay more attention to the details peculiar to your industry. Pay attention to timing, environment, methods, designs, material, rules, color, etc.
Your attention to details also shows in the way you come up with ideas. A keen attention to details will enable you to spot the ordinary that you can make grand. It empowers you to also create solutions.
18. Respect for others

Everyone deserves to be appreciated and regarded irrespective of their ideologies, age, gender, or status. And that’s what respect is about. That you value and appreciate others, even though you may not agree on the same values.
Your respect for others facilitates your relationship with them, creates a healthy work environment, and increases performance. One sure way to secure the loyalty of the people you work with, whether they are your superiors or colleagues, is by being respectful.
Being polite when speaking to others, apologizing when you err, and acknowledging boundaries are some of the ways you can be respectful. The good thing about respect is that you get what you give.
19. Accountability
Accountability means that you take responsibility for your actions, inactions, and decisions and are willing to accept whatever consequences come with them. It means that you are open to scrutiny based on your performance.
When each team member is accountable, it leads to higher performance and eliminates surprises. And your willingness to play your part will set you apart.
It means you are willing to meet deadlines, submit reports on time, give accurate and honest reports when necessary, and go above and beyond expectations. Not only will this improve the quality of results, but it will also roll in accolades and increase your value.
20. Discipline
A person who keeps to his word and follows through on his plan, schedule, or task leaves a lasting impression.
If you have set out on a goal, a project, or have committed to doing a task, see it through to the end, and that will take discipline.
It will build your credibility, and people will find you a reliable person.
In as much as these skills are fundamental, they are also essential distinctive traits that could change your personality and career journey.
The best do not rely only on their natural gifts and talents; they dig deep and hone the skills necessary for success.
Begin today to intentionally work on making these skills part of your life, and you’ll find it will pay off over time.