
Smash Negativity Team

15 Signs Your Partner Is Sleeping With Someone Else


Infidelity is one of the reasons many relationships are in chaos. It’s more like an old habit and it’s not always easy to identify if your partner is sleeping with someone else or not.

Regretfully, there is no generalized way to notice the signs your partner is cheating. There may be warning signs, though, that point to a change in your relationship. Determining whether a partner is sleeping with someone else can be difficult and delicate, especially if there are no obvious signs. In this text, we will discuss the 15 signs that could be indicators that your partner is seeing someone else:

1. Increased Secrecy and Deception

It’s easy to tell if your is sleeping with someone else if you notice an increase in how they suddenly become secretive and deceptive. Secrecy when they are using their computer or phone, making calls and hiding things on their computer to avoid you having access. Also hiding and being secretive about their whereabouts. They may be concealing anything if they hide their phones, become extremely cautious when using a computer, or abruptly change their passwords. It’s obvious your partner is sleeping with someone else when they also chat with their sleeping partners and delete all the chats to avoid traces of you discovering the secrets of their affairs.

Engaging in messages or calls that seem strange and flirting can be a telltale sign your husband is sleeping with another woman or maybe your wife is sleeping with another man.

2. Change In Routine and Emotional Distance

When you suddenly notice that your partner starts giving you unexplained absences or frequent overtime without valid reasons, starts giving you emotional distance or is emotionally detached from you, it’s obvious they are sleeping and having affairs with someone else.

3. Changes in Intimacy

Another sign that your partner is sleeping with someone else is sudden changes in intimacy and affection. This includes sudden changes in sexual behavior, affection, intimacy, and appetite. Abrupt shift in the degree of intimacy, abrupt decline in affection, a discernible decline in physical closeness, such as kissing, hugging, or having sex, variations in closeness or physical affection. These may indicate an emotional retreat in that person.

4. Unexplained Expenses/Excessive Spending

Another indication that your partner is sleeping with someone else is excessive spending and unexplained expenses. Spending money without a receipt or a detailed justification. Unexpected shifts in spending patterns, unexpected financial transactions or new credit card charges could be reasons to raise an alarm and a potential indication that your partner is sleeping with someone else.

5. Guilt or Defensive Behavior

Watch the moment your partner suddenly starts defending everything and becomes defensive. It might be a sign that they are sleeping with someone else. Especially, when questioned about their activities, they could show guilt or act defensively, increasing disagreements or criticism.

6. Changes in Appearance and Inexplicable Gifts

When you notice a sudden enthusiasm for one’s look or grooming routine and get things or presents and don’t know why, check very well, there’s a tendency that your partner is sleeping with someone else. This also includes alterations in behavior and appearance, taking greater care of their appearance. A sudden emphasis on getting dressed up or altering their appearance can be a sign that they’re trying to make an impression on someone else.

7. Sudden Overprotectiveness

A potential indication that your partner cheats is excessively guarding their tech gadgets and overprotecting them. Excessively guarding their phone or possessions, overusing texting or social media, especially when combined with a secretive nature. A faithful partner will not find it strange to be free and you can access their gadgets.

8. Lying/Having a Vague Schedule or Unexpected Trips

It can be a sign that your partner is sleeping with someone when you notice unexplained absences, late nights. It may be a reason for concern and infidelity, if your spouse appears to be avoiding direct answers to queries, lying or if their stories are inconsistent and contradictory, giving explanations or stories that don’t make sense, thereby giving room for suspicions.

9. Constant Blaming/Unexplained Anger

Watch it when your partner always blame you for the flaws in your relationship as an excuse for their actions. They make it look as if you’re the reason for the problems in that relationship, they become irritable at any slightest questions from you, especially when asked about their day, it’s one of the cheating clues your partner is sleeping with someone else. Regular disputes or tension, increasing disputes or a tense environment can be indicators of deeper problems such as infidelity.

10. Lack of Interest

The tenth sign that your partner is sleeping with someone else is lack of interest in your life or shared activities. This is shown by their sudden lack of enthusiasm in family plans or activities. They start giving excuses for not showing up in group activities or dates. Their interest starts to diminish about your life and occupations. Such experience is a huge discouragement to keep the relationship going. You might even consider ending such a relationship with a partner who appears emotionally distant and uninterested in your life or interests.

11. Instinctive Feeling

Many times, our instincts are right, and it’s wise to always pay attention and beware of your instincts. Your instincts or gut feeling can alert you to a problem that something is off, if you observe these indicators in your partner. Recognize your Intuition and pay attention to it. A gut instinct that something is off, unexpected shifts or a general feeling of unease are often too strong to ignore. They are obviously one of the signs that things aren’t normal in your relationship and an indication that your partner is sleeping with someone else.

12. Comparing You to Someone Else

It can be painful and disrespectful if your partner constantly makes comparisons between you and other people, increasing disagreements or criticism. It shows disrespect and how less important you are to them. Your partner owes you respect. One of the easiest ways to kill a relationship is when one compares their partner with another. It shows that they are no longer the first priority. Obviously it’s a sign that they are seeing someone else who they feel is better than you.

13. Unusual Work Schedule or Conduct

A shift in the work schedule or a reticent attitude regarding job-related activities could be cause for concern, alterations to the job routine or timetable without any detailed information. It can also be a potential sign that your partner is sleeping with someone else. No matter how busy your partner is, they will always create time for you if you’re so important to them. If they also have a change of work routine and schedule, you’ll be among the first people to be duly informed. Failure to do this is an obvious sign they are seeing someone else.

14. Spending More Time With Someone Else/Online Dating Apps

Spending more time online with others or on dating apps rather than you is a sign of infidelity. It can be a clue that someone is cheating if they use dating apps or spend more time with someone else than with you. It can also be a clue if they keep secrets, look for emotional solace outside of themselves, lie about it, or spend more time with them than with you.

15. Significant changes in communication

One strong force that keeps a relationship going is healthy communication. A sudden or drastic change in communication isn’t a positive sign in a relationship.

Everyone gets busy occasionally and neglects to communicate with their partner, the shift in communication eventually occurs. A communication breakdown is never a good thing. There’s a serious issue if you can’t get your partner to talk to you, or even argue with you. It could be a sign they are seeing someone else and you have now become a second option.


In conclusion, having discussed the above signs as potential indicators that your partner is sleeping with someone else, it should also be noted that these signs aren’t certainties but probability. Remember that misunderstandings may occur in a relationship which is normal.  These indicators may occasionally have perfectly reasonable reasons.

Note that clear and honest communication is essential in a healthy relationship. Always pay attention to specific signs, talk about it, be open for communication, to avoid drawing judgments hastily from indirect evidence. These indicators may also point to unresolved issues in the partnership that require attention.

To scale through any challenge in your relationship, consider having  an open discussion about your feelings, observations and the status of your relationship with your partner if you’re worried about their actions so as to be aware of the happenings. If you’ve done this and more, and things are still not normal, you might consider meeting a couples’ therapist who can provide professional counsel if you’re having trouble communicating or suspect that your partner is sleeping with someone else.

In all, it’s not wise to remain in an abusive or toxic relationship. Being alive is better than living in denial or an unhealthy relationship.




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