

10 Tips for Growing Your TikTok Following

Growing Your TikTok,

Tiktok has undoubtedly emerged as one of the most powerful platforms and has helped brands build their online presence. It takes a lot of energy, time, and effort to grow your organic tiktok following.

Have you tried every hack but are still stuck on the same number of followers? Feeling lost after giving it your all can be frustrating. Here’s when buying tiktok followers can help you, but before you jump into investing your money, here are 10 tips you should definitely try that can change your tiktok growth game.

1. Create content consistently!

We know a lot goes into creating content for your tiktok channel. It needs your time and attention. But is it worth it if you are not getting your expected followers? You may be doing something wrong, and that is- being inconsistent.

Your followers expect to see your content regularly, and if you are posting once in a blue moon, the algorithm will automatically stop showing your content. So, plan and post accordingly.

Be consistent with your content creation. It also helps the audience instantly recall your brand and follow you when they see your content.

2. Create relatable content

Not posting for your target audience? Do not expect any growth. Before you begin content creation, keep your target audience in your mind. Would they relate to your posts? What kind of role can your content play in their life?

Ensure you create relatable content that resonates with your target audience. Netizens are more prone to follow when they see relatable content.

However, if they do not see their life reflected in your posts or find a solution to their problems in your content, they will scroll past it.

3. Stick to your niche

Are you doing everything right yet not getting any followers? You may already be sticking to your niche, but you may be doing something slightly wrong. What could it be? Sometimes, content creators focus more on what they think the niche is about rather than exploring what their audience thinks.

What can you do in such a situation? Explore! Go on the internet and see what people are talking about your niche, then cover those topics in your content.

4. Go with the trends

This may sound cliche. But you read that right. Follow the trends! Trends are not only fun but also allow content creators to create similar content and make it unique by adding their touch.

So, before someone suggests you buy tiktok followers, ride the trend wave at least once and see if this tip works for you. We believe it definitely will!

Use hashtags and be a part of popular tiktok trends. Not only this, you can also take up tiktok trend challenges and attract more followers.

5. Engage with the audience

Throwback to June 2022 when a simple yet humorous comment by Mcdonald’s derived huge engagement.

6. What do we get? Engage with the audience!

Seems like a dull tip, right? But it works wonders! Engaging with the audience automatically tells the algorithm that people want to know more about your content. Hence, your reach gets higher, and you attract more followers.

Reply to the comments, be available for all kinds of queries, and never do something that may make you appear as an arrogant snob. It can hugely affect your fan following.

Let your audience know there is an actual human behind this account so they can keep coming back to learn from your experiences.

7. Use hashtags!

You may think hashtags are an extra but do not worry; they always come in handy to get you more followers.

When people look up relatable content, they check the hashtags, and if you have used a relatable one in your post, your content will show up, and you will naturally get one more follower!

Now imagine using multiple hashtags and multiple users checking your content out. Won’t you like it?

8. Use the art of storytelling

Storytelling can be done in multiple creative ways. Some people have their whole accounts dedicated to this art. You cannot only share your life experiences and achievements but can also share relatable incidents that fit your niche.

People are more drawn toward personal stories than content that may appear fictitious. Authenticity can help you build a loyal fan following who can recommend your content to others.

Here’s an example of a news reporter who shares news stories from under the desk.

So, what are you waiting for? Pick up your story, start narrating it, and instantly see your follow list grow.

9. Do collaborations

Collaborations are a great way to invite followers to your account. You can get in touch with a fellow content creator and work on a collaboration. It doesn’t only help you with your channel growth but also helps others get more followers.

While collaborations can be an excellent way to attract more followers, make sure your audience would benefit from it.

Similarly, partner with tiktok creators with similar content whose audience would be interested in yours. If they end up liking your content, they will give you a follow for sure.

10. Optimize posting times

One crucial factor that immensely helps with your tiktok account growth is the time you post your content. You won’t get any engagement if you post your content when your audience is asleep or at work.

So, be cautious with the posting times. Ensure you post your content when your target audience is available and can easily engage.

Otherwise, your content will get lost in the pool of tiktok posts. The chart by sproutsocial can help you learn when your posts will likely get more engagement.

Tiktok Music Trends February 2023

Lastly, be creative with the music in your tiktok videos. Music is essential to your tiktok videos, and using trending music can significantly enhance the mood of your audience.

Keep an eye on popular music trends and use those in your videos. When users search for those tracks, it can enhance the visibility of your content. This way, you can get way more followers than you can with any other hack.

Before you choose the type of music, keep your audience in mind. Some may not prefer music that isn’t traditional or does not represent their culture, and you may end up losing a follower.


The satisfaction, loyalty, and engagement you will get from growing your Tiktok following organically has no match. However, buying tiktok followers is undoubtedly tempting and can save you a lot of time. You also get instant followers.

Nevertheless, we suggest you try the above 10 tips first and see the magic they bring to your tiktok following. They do not only guarantee followers but also long-term results. If it doesn’t work, you always have the option to use your money and invest in buying tiktok followers.

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